Life and Breath and Cupcakes

Friday, August 12, 2016

I was doing crafts with my two older daughters one afternoon and my girls had a sweet moment choosing their painting pages.

Daughter: This one makes me sad.  I don't want the cupcake one. I read it and it says "I don't want to share".
Me: Why does that make you sad?
Daughter: Well it's not kind to not share.
Me: Why isn't it kind?
Daughter: Because God wants us to share things.
Me: That's true. God shares everything with us.  He gives us life, and breath, and every good thing.  And most of all he gives us what?
Daughter: Cupcakes!
Me: And?
Daughter: Oh and Jesus!  Cupcakes and Jesus.

The Bible verse being applied here is Acts 17:25 (NIV):

"And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else."


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