About Me

My name is Sarah and I am the face behind the words here at She Speaks Wise Words.  That seems like a heavy burden to lay on someone- being the one who speaks wise words. 

What are my qualifications?!  I could tell you that I have a degree in Sociology of Marriage and Family, or that I have a Masters in Education or that I studied Biblical Counseling at a prestigious seminary.  You know what though?  That's not what qualifies me.

But the truth is I'm a mom.  More than that, I am a daughter of the God.  So they're not my wise words I am speaking -they're God's.  Because I believe the words of the Bible are for every person- for every mom. I believe every mom can and should be equipped to teach their children the good news.  If you love God and you love your kids, you are qualified!  

I'm no one special in and of myself.  I was born into a normal middle class family, lived an average life, and did normal things.  All my life, I wanted to be a mother.  I had a different time table than the Lord, but "many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the Lord's purpose that will prevail." (Proverbs 19:21 ESV).  So here I am, an "older mom" just trying to get this motherhood thing right....

I didn't grow up in the church and I don't have a seminary degree.  What I do have is an eagerness to know God better and to study his word. Couple that with a desperate desire for my children to come to know the living and loving God to whom I have pledged my life and here I am.

I have four small children (like a crazy person, I had four babies in four years).  When my youngest daughter was just beginning to understand and required instruction, I realized I didn't know how to talk to her.  I didn't know how to take the Bible that I believed and make it understandable for her.  I scoured the internet, read every Christian parenting book I could get my hands on, and pretty much stalked mothers that I admired.  

And then I just started.

You know the expression "Fake it till you make it?"  

Yah. It was a little like that.  It was awkward and uncomfortable and I am sure there were more than a few unintentional heresies sprinkled throughout that first set of toddler years.  

But I vowed not to give up.  I continued studying my Bible and loving my kids.  As I prayed and persevered, it became easier.  It became natural to talk to my kids.  The truth that I knew and continued learning came to life as I began to "Teach them to my children, talking about them when I sit at home and when I walk along the road, when I lie down and when I get up." (Deut. 11:19 NIV- pronouns personalized for application.)

The truth is, while I am average my God is not.  He has given me a high and holy calling in caring for my children.  Scripture conveys over and over the enormity of the task set before mothers.  God would not call you if he didn't plan to equip you for that very calling.  I have seen him faithfully prepare and guide me over the past years as a mother, and I know he can do that for you too.

My heart beats for mamas wanting to raise their children in the love and admonition of the Lord. My goal is that you would come here to find truth and encouragement.  That as you hear the words of our great God over and over, applied to your familiar life circumstances, they will become the voice in your head written on your heart and spoken over your children's life.


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