Same Sex Relationships

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A friend asks...

"How do I talk to my kids about family members who are in same sex relationships? How do I better explain loving the person but not the sin?"

Child: "Mommy, why is Aunt _____  married to another lady?" 

Me:  "Well, child...for those who don't love God, sin is their master.  It is in their nature to choose things that aren't pleasing to God; this is just one example. It's just one of many examples of sin being displayed in the hearts of those who don't love God."

Child: "But how does a female marry another female?" 

Me: "In God's eyes and according to his holy word, marriage is only between a husband and a wife.  That is what is right, holy, pure, and blameless. Remember, God's word is true.  Those who love God love His word and live out His word. For those who don't love Him, His word and commands are meaningless."  

Me: "Let's remember that God's grace is so big and can reach the heart of any sinner.  God tells us that no one is righteous, not even one, yet He also tells us that it is by grace we have been saved.  All people are made in the image of God, so we tenderly love others, even in their sin! God Himself loved us while we were yet sinners."

Me: "Do you think we should keep loving Aunt _____? Why do you think we should? 

Child: "Yes, we should love everyone because you tell us  that it is God's kindness that leads us to repentance." 

Me: "That's right, child.  We keep loving our family even in the midst of sin.  We don't have to approve of sinful behavior, but we can be the hands and feet of Christ to a hurting world that doesn't know Him." 


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